Grading Rules

Finnish Kendo Association - Atarashii Naginata

Jukka Paasonen - 1st Sep 2013

Atarashii Naginata grading rules are consistent with the rules of the European Naginata Federation and the International Naginata Federation. Among the other martial arts in the Finnish Kendo Association, the requirements regarding the grading panel are slightly different, while less demanding for lower grades, more demanding for the first kyu grade.

For those parts that are not mentioned in this document, the general grading rules of FKA will be followed.

The grading panel will consist of three or five judges. The majority will be in favour of a candidate's throughput. In the provision of values 6-2 kyu, at least one member of the panel must be at least shodan. In the case of promoting to first kyu grade, at least three of the panel members must be at least sandan.

The candidate's enrolment is required with the following information:

The grading fee are collected after the grading, in accordance with the FKA grading fees. In year 2013: EUR 20 per each passed grade.

For grading abroad, a signed permission from the Finnish Kendo Association is required.

Technical requirements for kyu grades

For each grade it is required to know the previous techniques. These are asked usually only in the case where the candidate has some weaknesses in the current techniques.

6 kyu

5 kyu

4 kyu

3 kyu

2 kyu

1 kyu

Equal with INF shodan requirements

Question list

The questions have been gathered from INF and AJNF grading questions.

  1. Why did you start practising Naginata
  2. Name naginata parts
  3. List six different kamae
  4. List the strikes (datotsu-bui)
  5. Explain what is shizentai
  6. List the different Ashi and Tai-Sabaki-movements
  7. List chudan no kamae the main features and key points
  8. Explain how the bow is performed while standing and sitting
  9. Explain the three different types of suburi
  10. What is a "ma-ai ga chikai" and what considerations it would be
  11. What is the meaning "zanshin" and how it should be taken into account in training
  12. Explain the order in which bogu is being put on and the most significant points in doing so
  13. Which different ways Naginata can compete in
  14. What is the distance between starting lines the various competition formats
  15. What is the difference between Kakarigeiko and Gokakugeiko
  16. What means Reigi and what it includes
  17. What is the use of kangeiko and shochangeiko
  18. What are the benefits sought in warm up